deco - Elevated number of 403 from VTEX – Incident details

Elevated number of 403 from VTEX

Degraded performance
Started 11 months agoLasted 5 days



Operational from 6:00 PM to 12:30 PM


Degraded performance from 6:00 PM to 12:30 PM

  • Resolved

  • Monitoring

    Our infrastructure provider blocked the problematic IP from being associated with our machines, and the issues related to this query ceased.

  • Update

    VTEX's team responds, confirming that only one IP was blocked and had been since 2021. However, this specific IP had started generating traffic volume from March 6th, coinciding with the start of the incident.

    VTEX informs us of the blocked IP and indicates that action could be taken on Monday.

    We contacted our infrastructure provider requesting the rotation of this IP and its exclusion from allocation to our sites.

  • Update

    We are continuing to work on a fix for this incident.First contact made with VTEX, accompanied by all collected evidence.

    Throughout the day, manual interventions were carried out on the stores to reduce the number of errors, such as redeployments, blocking potential bots, and reducing calls to VTEX. Efforts were also made to enhance error logging to pinpoint the root cause.

  • Identified

    The team observes a recurrence of the error across different stores, with the common denominator being the integration with VTEX. Initial suspicions were towards VTEX throttling, as not all VTEX customers were affected, and those who were did not experience it 100% of the time.

  • Investigating

    We encountered an issue with certain components not displaying on searchResults/Category pages on one of our sites. After a redeploy, the problem was resolved. However, we have since noticed a growing number of 403 calls from VTEX."