deco - Notice history

deco - Operational

100% - uptime
Jul 2021 · 100.0%Aug · 100.0%Sep · 100.0%
Jul 2021
Aug 2021
Sep 2021

deno - Operational

VTEX - Operational

Third Party: Amazon Web Services (AWS) → AWS ec2-sa-east-1 - Operational

Third Party: Cloudflare → Cloudflare Sites and Services → API - Operational

Third Party: Cloudflare → Cloudflare Sites and Services → CDN/Cache - Operational

Third Party: Cloudflare → Cloudflare Sites and Services → DNS Root Servers - Operational

Third Party: Cloudflare → Cloudflare Sites and Services → SSL Certificate Provisioning - Operational

Third Party: Cloudflare → Cloudflare Sites and Services → Workers - Operational

Third Party: → AWS s3-sa-east-1 - Operational

Third Party: → Application Hosting → GRU - São Paulo, Brazil - Operational

Third Party: Github → Actions - Operational

Third Party: Github → API Requests - Operational

Third Party: Github → Git Operations - Operational

Third Party: Github → Pull Requests - Operational

Third Party: Github → Webhooks - Operational

Third Party: Shopify → Shopify API & Mobile - Operational

Third Party: Shopify → Shopify Checkout - Operational

Third Party: Shopify → Shopify Point of Sale - Operational

Third Party: Supabase → Supabase Cloud → AWS ec2-sa-east-1 - Operational

Third Party: Discord → Voice → Brazil - Operational

Third Party: → Edge Proxy → Routing - Operational

Notice history

Sep 2021

No notices reported this month

Aug 2021

No notices reported this month

Jul 2021

No notices reported this month

Jul 2021 to Sep 2021
