deco - Notice history

deco - Operational

100% - uptime
Apr 2024 · 100.0%May · 99.98%Jun · 100.0%
Apr 2024
May 2024
Jun 2024

deno - Operational

VTEX - Operational

Third Party: Amazon Web Services (AWS) → AWS ec2-sa-east-1 - Operational

Third Party: Cloudflare → Cloudflare Sites and Services → API - Operational

Third Party: Cloudflare → Cloudflare Sites and Services → CDN/Cache - Operational

Third Party: Cloudflare → Cloudflare Sites and Services → DNS Root Servers - Operational

Third Party: Cloudflare → Cloudflare Sites and Services → SSL Certificate Provisioning - Operational

Third Party: Cloudflare → Cloudflare Sites and Services → Workers - Operational

Third Party: → AWS s3-sa-east-1 - Operational

Third Party: → Application Hosting → GRU - São Paulo, Brazil - Operational

Third Party: Github → Actions - Operational

Third Party: Github → API Requests - Operational

Third Party: Github → Git Operations - Operational

Third Party: Github → Pull Requests - Operational

Third Party: Github → Webhooks - Operational

Third Party: Shopify → Shopify API & Mobile - Operational

Third Party: Shopify → Shopify Checkout - Operational

Third Party: Shopify → Shopify Point of Sale - Operational

Third Party: Supabase → Supabase Cloud → AWS ec2-sa-east-1 - Operational

Third Party: Discord → Voice → Brazil - Operational

Third Party: → Edge Proxy → Routing - Operational

Notice history

Jun 2024

Apr 2024

GitHub Account Flagged
  • Resolved
    This incident has been resolved.
  • Monitoring

    We are pleased to inform you that the issue with our GitHub organization being flagged has been fully resolved.

    Visibility and access to our repositories have been restored.

    We sincerely appreciate your patience and understanding while we worked to resolve this matter.

    We are monitoring now.

  • Investigating

    Dear Users,

    We regret to inform you that our GitHub organization has been flagged, resulting in a temporary loss of visibility and access to our repositories. This issue affects our ability to provide services and support through GitHub.

    We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.

    The Team

Apr 2024 to Jun 2024
